Thursday, February 11, 2016

DDoS Mitigation

The dreaded DDoS attack

A denial of service attack has been the frustrating hallmark of even minor hackers since the dawn of the Internet. They were used frequently in online gaming environments to frustrate gaming companies or mess with the success of other players. Nowadays they are still a prominent form of attack in a number of different online environments. Thankfully there is a surefire way to protect your service against this destructive and very common attack. That's the one thing that stands out about the denial-of-service attack. It's easy to do for even someone with minor knowledge of servers and their online world. So they are more common than potentially more destructive methods of causing trouble in the online world.

What are these attacks

Basically hackers cause what is called a DDoS attack. It's a denial of service attack that is distributed throughout a large network and can cause entire servers to crash for a long amount of time. There are times when services are simply interrupted and other times when they are suspended altogether. It really depends on the reason for the attack, the capabilities of the hackers, and their intentions for the overall goal of the attack. If it's just to frustrate, it might just take down servers for a few hours or make them frustrating to use. If it's all out warfare, they might go as far as to try to suspend services altogether for as long as possible.

Protect yourself

Protecting yourself against DDoS attacks can be done through remote services. You can get 24 hour protection that provides security against even the most advanced of attacks. These security packages are shockingly affordable and easy to acquire. Call today to find out about how you can get protection for your servers. For more details click this ddos protected vps.